Slightly better trash tumblr
Slightly better trash tumblr

slightly better trash tumblr

anyone who tells you they know the answers is lying.”

#Slightly better trash tumblr plus

“i figured if you wait around long enough, two plus two equals nasty.”.“what have you got to lose that you ain’t already lost?”.“i started giving pieces of myself away and i guess i gave away everything.”.“i really did want to make a difference.“sometimes you get further with people by treating them like people.”.but, you put them together, they’re the goddamn fucking spice girls.” “when they’re apart, they’re absolute fucking rubbish."you tell anyone what you saw or heard here today, and i’ll cut your hands off and shove them so far up your ass, your fingers’ll give us a little wave out your throat, yeah?”."pardon my french: fuck those fuckers.”."since when did "hopeful” and “naive” become the same thing?”."just ‘cause you fall on your ass doesn’t mean you have to stay there.”.“i know a little about a lot of things.”.“if i’m gonna make a difference, i just feel more comfortable doing it on a smaller scale.”.

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  • “why have average when you can have extraordinary?”.
  • watching them when they think they’re alone. you don’t have the fight, you never have.”
  • “just remember who your friends and who your enemies are.”.
  • “i’m supposed to be this hero, but i don’t know what the hell i’m doing.”.
  • some have been slightly altered to better fit out of context. contains non-contextual mild s2 spoilers. Amazon prime’s the boys sentence starters

    Slightly better trash tumblr