Smiling imp
Smiling imp

smiling imp

Then again, there’s a chance that all of these options are too extreme. Here is a section of “human expressions” that could potentially express horniness: Maybe “monster” isn’t the right move here, though. (And if you do, you’re very brave, and I commend you.) Clowns could also be considered universal boner killers, so that’s the risk you run there, should you choose it. However, it also cancels out the most important goal of sending a horny face, which is to instill a similar feeling in the recipient.

smiling imp

And what about the Clown? This emoji expresses an important characteristic of being horny: a desire and willingness to get weird. I don’t fully understand that person’s sex life, but I’m impressed: The ogre suggests a single-minded, id-driven need to get laid, sort of like the Cookie Monster sex-equivalent. “Literally horny” might seem a bit on the nose, but if that’s what you’re after, there are still more options. Also, it has horns, so it is literally horny. It’s sort of the emoji embodiment of Rihanna, who is maybe the patron saint of Horny Women.

smiling imp

The Smiling Imp is certainly devilish, and Satan has a place in these sorts of exchanges, so that’s great. Let’s start with the smiling imp and its less traditional brethren.

Smiling imp